Sunday, November 16, 2008

Awesome Community Service Recommendation Letters

The anti-bullying Newsletter 40

for a world of work without harassment, discrimination, violence, harassment and exclusion!

petitions court dates ... ... ... Law and Justice AGG ..... TV shows ... dignity of the human judgments .... ... .... actions stories ... stories ... Art .... Products ... Performance ... exclusion ..

bullying is an indicator, but also the consequence of an increasing loss of humanitarian values awareness in society!
by Peter D. Simon Winder
For not only were the hours of harassment - incidents a pain, but probably after his experience with the courts and the authorities. Particularly in this case clearly corresponded with a further bullying - victim, that the exclusion wietergeht part meadow, more extreme and probably along the lines of bird sink or swim!
"Letter from a victim on the topic of suffering through the courts.
Simon D.

Disciplinary Complaint
Hello A., hello, dear fellow, I think we could write hundreds of legitimate supervision complaints - the result was always the same: "No reason to object to the obvious UN law - everything works but fine. "When you consider who is to decide whether something is wrong is gone and if you look at the same time illustrate, if one wants something in his area should not be run properly, then the result is actually already klar.Wirkliche supervisory we have not, the courts will not condemn each other and the allegedly "free" press, but not exactly free, but tied up in sales figures.

The independence of the press
revenue (advertising revenue for advertisements) comes from businesses - so there will obviously be no critical reporting on the appalling discrimination of workers by employers. It also follows that the Un-right judgments, the judiciary is critically could be, as this will again getretne a company on their toes and feel threatened by advertising boycott.

The so-called periods
I myself have two working as court processes on the neck, because the integration office but has decided on the request for dismissal within 14 days, the - the termination of the employment "donor"! - Rejection letter, however, until 15 Tag has been submitted. Obviously, even from a post office in W., at the residence of the person processing, and not by the post office of the Integration Office in S.. It is thus quite possible that this has taken the letter private, but carbs, to smash it in time. This led (to my disadvantage) to that the really negative shall "bring order to post" by the late automatically became the agreement (§ 91 para 3 SGB IX). Then another written request for dismissal, 22.12.2005 at the personnel manager (and Hauptmobber and work hc judges), think about its existence destructive behaviors.

And so powerful authorities
lead this (deliberate?) Error of the integration office that is to ensure that the rights of disabled persons (which actually should be of the IA-only) will be deleted automatically and will be replaced by the right to terminate the AG. My usual "normal" complaint was used to tell me that the supervisor and clerk of the small (harmless?) providing sorry would do. Since my employer has not yet been further notice requests formulated by the integration office then waved through the same (it's just too much work, if you are protecting presents a severely disabled ...), be my employment was anyway stopped - that was the wrong treatment (carelessness had!) yes no really negative consequences ... Simply amazing! endure for my mental stress, two additional unfair dismissal with my employers, are interested in the perpetrators did not actually - they probably do not get one, what made them! If you still consider that (according to own data), only 5% of all cancellation requests of the employer are dismissed against disabled persons (ie the termination agreement is denied), then one wonders why it this (completely useless) the authority still exists.

The Labour Court dilemma
In order to come back to Labour Court proceedings back: The entire process - has just described as Artur it - is almost always the same - and therefore can definitely be called a systematic way. The lies, the employer shall be without critical demands of the court as the truth, Facts are distorted by the court so that the fact grossly incorrect descriptions in the court's opinion an uncritical reader of the sound ruling "incomprehensible". For me it all started with the fact that 4 colleagues (including me) expressed solidarity with the written complaint by our handicapped colleagues who shared by our supervisor was a "cripple" and so on. According to § 84 para 3 WCA "an employee may arise because of the bringing of an appeal no disadvantages." The judge seems to work the first and second instance in S. not to know. For the immediate (2 hours after the Board meeting) underlines my long lunch money grants (For subsequent grant of subsidies to two comparable colleagues), a three-week refusal of the written vacation approval of the Oral previously approved leave by the manager, etc., were created for the court no reliable evidence for these "handicaps" that I actually would not have by law allowed.

judges and their abilities
Similarly, prohibition of termination for the exact same incident, namely, the alleged poor performance, for which I have three weeks earlier been given a warning, are the judges of the Labour Court S. did not notice obvious. The fact that I completely between warning and dismissal AU was, was this labor law "experts" obviously not. Even then, although we have pointed out IN WRITTEN ... The acts of harassment (after 8 of 24 submitted) were recognized, which is of course already be regarded as an outstanding achievement for a LAG-Richter. to prevent the inevitable consequences of the damages were caused, one has told then that it COULD be that I sent a "personal disposition" would suffer and not the - already acknowledged - serious, systematic violations of personality rights of the reason for my severe disability , the previous three-year disability and the final disability were.

opinions and their effect on judges
The clear medical certificates and reports were simply discarded so that it "noted" the bullying acts have indeed begun in September 2003, I would, however, already 6 months earlier in March 2003, the severe disability from psychological reasons, get paid. Too bad that the main disability in March, but granted as of September 2003, just as the Court itself recognized the bullying acts. The March 2003 as the date of recognition of severe disability is very easy (or maybe not?) A (deliberate?) Spelling mistakes, because the date "March 2003" is not available anywhere but in the decision is clearly the September 2003rd You understand? The situation is so distorted, until the desired (previously fixed) sentence "fits". IN WRITTEN offered by us agree to a court-appointed medical expert report was not mentioned at all and therefore not granted. An additional statement was right at the hearing while in the chair provided orally, 3 hours later, the verdict was, however, and the legal document was therefore invalid.

The problem
testimony indicates the employer that he was not just me, but also another employee had a catastrophic issued (even by the judge as "devastating" designated) Interim certificate with a grade of 5-6 (maybe 6-7), which he to me it all, and contrary to written company policies during my psychosomatic rehabilitation was sent by to savor the only achievable by this "result". probably my first suicide attempt was the result of this "small clerical error" the HR Director ... But be clear that this disastrous report card I definitely could not be used to look to me nor any other employer during rehab.

more the better!
Short Info for thinking work of many judges in 2007: If a company only deals with an employee illegally, that's a personal rights violation (harassment). If she does it with two or more employees, it is the normal use within the company and therefore not punishable. - Without words! Geared for all means: If a bank is to drop the a capital offense - more than you fall two or more banks involved, it himself - in the opinion of the working judge - a punishment-free operation ...

And they practice and practice
As "proof" that would not only have I so get a bad ZZ, but still (of 1,500), another colleague, is a bad certificate attached text on the original letterhead of the company, but without a signature, as proof document, which should have received the other colleague said. I have subsequently written about the various Internet e-mail addresses that this could include the former (4 years ago retired) colleagues. Fortunately, I got him to found and invited him to me. It turned out that he has never received even an interim report. This is the verdict so that "settled" that the judge indicating that there had indeed "found in the meantime, that the (Note: the employer for intentionally misleading the court incorrectly stated) Between testimony did not exist. That this is (part of the total) fraud, deliberate process, is simply ignored ...

I could go on endlessly - I need but not sure! Everyone also knows the affected system, which is located behind the Un-right judgments. I'll try to wrap this screaming UN law as quickly as possible in book form and make available to the public. An anthology of several interested parties, I think the most sense, as most credible. A victim of bullying is often judged as "crazy" and "own fault" - for many similar experiences, the indifference of the Others turn to longer chew. Unfortunately I still have several legal proceedings on the neck, the burden me all time and give the time being no time for this project, or do you? "

Important Dates:
Press release for the neo-dadaist art action against the exclusionary violence in Kassel on 25.08.2007 to the period of 12:00 13:00 clock:
Only those who come and see and hear who understands why it works!
of B & B and fellow
reactions to the newsletter 39:
first Please contact us about your mailing list!
Augsburger Allgemeine, online editorial
Cur t-Frenzel - Str 2, 86167 Augsburg
Tel: (0821) 777 - 3109, Fax: (0821) 777-3122
second Dear Mr. .....,
we can not process your extensive submissions adequately
there are too many. Please do not send e-mails.
Since the issue of bullying is extremely important, however,
would be perhaps appropriate that you make on a home page
when required, everything can be found on this topic
and also a forum, a guide, FAQ, etc. is established.
G. Sch.
editorial Goest

An exhibition of bullying
Please contact or support includes: com http://www.arbeitsplatz-mobbing-suedbaden
. de, / index.htm


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