Monday, January 10, 2011

Skin Colored Bumps All Over Baby

vs. MySpace. facebook vs. Diaspora vs ...

have about 5 years ago I signed up on MySpace . I was then an exchange student and lived in Sweden. MySpace was great. I loved it and spent much time there. You could communicate with bands, listen to their music and network with friends in one place. And hey, wow, sooo cool, your own profile background was with a bit of HTML is no problem. And 2.5 years before then Facebook came into my life and MySpace has banned very quickly. I found it at once the scales from your eyes: MySpace is not to use too much spam, too much advertising, too obvious commercialism. And a bigger problem was that my old laptop so his problems all the flickering and load Gehopse, Gepiepe and Gezacke on MS and display properly. Too much information at once - it was the lapping and me.

And then there was no dead Myspace Comments, no bulletins, no spam, no nothing. Facebook was there. And then, all on Facebook. Facebook is really ugly. That reminds me every day anew. Every day. And it is not practical. And it is spying. There is no better than MySpace, which currently appear to dismiss the half of all employees. It's just different, and will survive, sooner or later also. Now Facebook is public. Sure, I would have two million records I also investment in Goldman Sachs would buy watch, but they quickly cede. Forever can grow and prosper not facebook.

few days ago I sat at Diaspora on the waiting list. I'm gesapnnt how they want to run the facebook status. Without shared information, but channels the features you have grown fond of FB. So now I'm waiting on my invitation and dream of a world without Meanwhile, social networks. Without digital social networks and without MySpace, Facebook and I love them, social networks, but how nice it would be if I photo of the child of a friend not only on Facebook see, but in a card or a letter, a real Letter of paper that is thrown in my real-world mailbox.


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