Monday, January 10, 2011

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stories from the District Court

Always a celebration are the interviews of witnesses who testify suddenly something other than what they have indicated to the police

other day in the District Court T..

Chairman: Yes
then tell times

a punch I not seen!
witness says something different than he has given to the police. He beschriebt including the offender as wearing glasses. Describes very different now Tatablauf exculpatory.

Chairman: Are they
be sure?

Yes I'm sure with 100%! - As I've said it, it was for sure! I stood right beside!

That is now almost a year ago. - Was not your memory still fresh in the police?

Yes but that was already almost a year!

Chairman: Yes
to the police but they have indicated a punch. I read them once before ... (Reads statement)
Have not the police tell the truth?

But of course, already!

So then it means what they have said to the police!

course! It's like I said then!



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